Wearable Camera Lets You 'Go Back in Time' to Record Fleeting Moments
(1)dont you ever wish you could go back and record that lambo that just raced by, or that awesome jump shot your friend just made? A new wearable camera lets you do just that: go back in time, so to speak, to retroactively capture those fleeting moments you thought you missed.
(2)This innovation would affect all families. We now get to record that funny moment we just missed and save it for future reference. we can now capture our first words and to later show them to the rest of our families. now for moving making, it wouldnt take too many shots since now they can get that one they didn't get to record.
(3)This would now solve people reminiscing. Them wishing they could go back in time, when they can just look in the camera and see that moment. that best moment that was too late to catch in the camera, they now have it.
(4)I think this innovation would help me lots since i am your senior historian and id like to capture all of its best moments. Allowing me to go back in time and take a picture of a football player making a touch down would be perfect. I am also very family oriented and the family photographer, so id like to catch our happy moments as well.

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