Detecting emotions with wireless signals
(A) This innovation can detected you felling at the moment. Whether you're feeling sad, happy, please and joy. By measuring subtle changes in breathing and heart rhythms, EQ-Radio is 87 percent accurate at detecting if a person is excited, happy, angry or sad — and can do so without on-body sensors.
(B) This innovations would impact everybody being used in entertainment, consumer behavior, and health care. Film studios and ad agencies could test viewers’ reactions in real-time, while smart homes could use information about your mood to adjust the heating or suggest that you get some fresh air.
(c)This innovation could help relationships by detected what the other person feels. They beat around the bush? no problem, it can detect the truth. This can help any service management to help satisfy customers and etc.
(D)This innovation caught my attention because the first thing that came to mind was helping out my future relationships. Now id be able to know what they're feeling. I also find it kind of interesting because certain times id like to keep people in oblivion not knowing how i feel.

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