Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Internet Censorship

Marilyn Mora
Internet Censorship

What is internet censorship?        
It is the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published or viewed on the internet. Some countries impose direct censorship; others have stringent policies against unlawful posting online while there are countries that are somewhat lenient with videos going viral.
1. It will keep children from being victims of sex trafficking and pornography
-The less the protection, the easier it is for a pedophile to continue his malicious ways

2. It can control illegal activities
-Having censorship can also regulate and stop underage drinking and the use of drugs. Several times I have tried watching a video on my twitter that looks harmless then converts to a murder or pornographic video. They aren’t inevitable if internet censorship would be implanted more.

3. It lessens the incidents of identity theft
- With Internet censorship, it limits the access of personal information.  . By using anti-phishing software, which serves as a form of internet censorship since it warns the user that a kind of software is trying to get access, it gives the user the chance to keep hackers and companies from getting pertinent information.

4. A free society should be able to set limits
-I am one to advocate for freedom of speech, but I think that even that such have restrictions. Without internet censorship, individuals can be victims of cyber bullying and racist speech and way more.

5. It helps in strengthening national security
-By implementing laws against hacking and imposing hefty punishment to violators, national security can be preserved. Without this, terrorist would be able to access important information.

6. Parents cannot be there always to watch out for their kids
-Some parent’s do all they can to protect their kids when they are around but what about when they aren’t. A lot of crimes of these types have to do when their parents are around. I think if a child wants to do something, then they would go far limits to do so. The stricter the parents, the sneakier the kids.

References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship

Reference2:  http://computer.howstuffworks.com/internet-censorship.htm

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