Thursday, June 8, 2017

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
In the beginning of the year, Mr.Haymore would do interactive games. Those were my favorite because you'd honestly get the concept of communication. The hands on partner projects were also my favorite because my friends and i would find unique methods to do coding. I love the use of the scratch program as well. This class was both equally group and individual projects and i enjoyed that very much. 

Things I did not like about the class was honestly how the grading works. I have done every assignment within the year and just recently i began to talk to my partner more and my participation points lowered me a whole letter grade. Maybe you should reevaluate the grading percentage. Just for future reference maybe more videos to see how things work!

From personal experience, some things that should be improved is maybe less online work and more paper work. I liked when we had worksheets because i could have scratch paper and a visual is better than a virtual visual sometimes. Id also improve the communication method, sometimes i wouldn't know i had hw nor did more than half the class and it was to do with usually only the first row can hear the mic. Id just suggest more videos and paperwork but besides that I liked it.

My highlight of this class was probably using scratch. I like to Photoshop and work with images. I liked having to do a mini video with pictures and motions i put together. Id look up to showing up to be able to finish one project onto the other. I miss scratch and suggest you do it the first semester to!

In this class, I feel like I did try really hard. I came to every class, sat in my chair and began to work. Though i feel like i was very diligent, there is always room for improvement. I feel like i could always try hard because i am always improving. 

I read my life planning goals journey on the daily basis, usually my mental copy. I can say i at least have one new goal everyday. I will never be done with thriving because i have goals. I have plans of succeeding far in life, and with that comes on challenging yourself. A goal i make today is to come as an alumni and talk to future classes about how my experience in this class was, all good to be honest. I am glad i had the opportunity to be apart of the first AP computer class nationally.

I am committed to be a CTR person because along with being a successful person, comes with choosing right. you have to make the right decisions and always want to better yourself. O f course, you have to be an Arete person as well because along with fighting for what you want, you have to be peaceful and nonchalant. I have many plans for the future, graduating highschool is just the end of chapter 1!!!!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Camping Trip

Camping Trip
Lets start off with the amazing scenery. We were divided into cabins with our friends and i had so much fun. We had three big meals in which i enjoyed. I went hiking around 4 times and one of them was at 4:30 in the morning, i am still sore. I was able to climb the rock wall and zip line right after. I played paintball and got to shoot all my friends! i did archery and actually had velocity but need more aim. I was bb gun shooting and then i did have aim and shot a couple things. I got to be with my friends and i am thankful for this experience.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Compter Programming and performance task reading and practice

Compter Programming and performance task reading and practice

16.yes!!! a lot


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  22. yes
  23. yes

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Class evaluation

Class evaluation

1.      In this class, I like how in the begging we had hand on projects. WE made a poster or creatively a message transport which was really engaging. We also did groups projects which are pretty fun because they give two perspectives on one assignment. I had fun and learned at the same time with that.
2.      In this class I did not like the fact that being in the back causes me not to be able to hear things a lot. I cannot hear when we have homework often nor how to do things. Also, after reading an assignment, I’d like to be able to ask you questions about it but you won’t let me.
3.      To improve the class, maybe sending a remind for homework would be helpful. I’d like also do more hands on activities like the two activities we did in the beginning of the year. Maybe try seating us in one seat to be consistent and comfortable in one seat.
4.      In this class, a highlight was learning how to program certain things in the commuter. I know now how to creat maps for future reference. I also learned how to collect data and a pivitol table that I think is so helpful for my other classes as well. Being able to work with others is also a highlight.
5.      I could always do better, and I promise I will next semester. There is always room for improvement for everyone and should work better. I’m not saying I didn’t try, because I really did but I learned from my mistakes.
6.      For my college credit, I will pass the AP exam in May. In this class I am learning and preparing myself for the obstacles soon heading towards me. I am halfway reading and still in progress.
7.      Every day I gain a new goal, and since I don’t carry my notebook around, I have a long list in my phones notes. If you ask me, without a hesitation id show you. I will never stop adding goals because there are so many things I want to accomplish. I look at it like a bucket list, a timed goal that will soon make me succeed.

8.      I am a CTR person because I think twice before doing something. I come to school every day with the mentality of wanting to learn something new. I do not smoke nor drink nor miss school. I am thriving towards a better future for myself because not only does it affect me but my loved once. I am been CTR from the start and will be to the end. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nightmare Machine

Nightmare Machine
(a) The project, appropriately enough, is named "Nightmare Machine." Digital innovators in the U.S. and Australia partnered to create an algorithm that would enable a computer to understand what makes certain images frightening, and then use that data to transform any photo, no matter how harmless-looking, into the stuff of nightmares.
(b) This innovation affects everyone because computers may be used for malicious reasons. But besides that Halloween can be taken to a new level. Holograms can create the best mazes and I can finally be scared endlessly.
(c) This innovation can help therapy doctors with patients that have phobias. usually by the end of treatments, a therapist  makes their patient confront there fear/phobia and this innovation could be perfect. It can be right in front of them realistically and can be turned off at any time.
(d) I think this innovation is so cool because i am a horror fanatic. I live off fear and i think this would be the first time id be physically scared. id pay a lot to be comfront face to face with my fear to get over it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Internet Censorship

Marilyn Mora
Internet Censorship

What is internet censorship?        
It is the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published or viewed on the internet. Some countries impose direct censorship; others have stringent policies against unlawful posting online while there are countries that are somewhat lenient with videos going viral.
1. It will keep children from being victims of sex trafficking and pornography
-The less the protection, the easier it is for a pedophile to continue his malicious ways

2. It can control illegal activities
-Having censorship can also regulate and stop underage drinking and the use of drugs. Several times I have tried watching a video on my twitter that looks harmless then converts to a murder or pornographic video. They aren’t inevitable if internet censorship would be implanted more.

3. It lessens the incidents of identity theft
- With Internet censorship, it limits the access of personal information.  . By using anti-phishing software, which serves as a form of internet censorship since it warns the user that a kind of software is trying to get access, it gives the user the chance to keep hackers and companies from getting pertinent information.

4. A free society should be able to set limits
-I am one to advocate for freedom of speech, but I think that even that such have restrictions. Without internet censorship, individuals can be victims of cyber bullying and racist speech and way more.

5. It helps in strengthening national security
-By implementing laws against hacking and imposing hefty punishment to violators, national security can be preserved. Without this, terrorist would be able to access important information.

6. Parents cannot be there always to watch out for their kids
-Some parent’s do all they can to protect their kids when they are around but what about when they aren’t. A lot of crimes of these types have to do when their parents are around. I think if a child wants to do something, then they would go far limits to do so. The stricter the parents, the sneakier the kids.

