Computer Science Innovations: "Computing enables innovation in nearly every field"
- Internet, broadband, WWW (browser and html)
- PC/laptop computers
- Mobile phones
- DNA testing and sequencing/human genome mapping
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Microprocessors
- Fiber optics
- Office software (spreadsheets, word processors)
- GPS system
- Online shopping/e commerce/auctions (e.g., eBay)
- Media file compression (jpeg, mpeg, mp3)
- Social networking via the Internet
- Graphic user interface (GUI)
- Digital photography/videography
What makes a mobile phone so distinctive is that its not like a pager to remind you to answer, or like a house phone that can only be answered at home. This type of phone is taken wherever and can be used at any time. Now-a-days mobile phones have advanced so much, now having internet, opening doors to social media. Some people can't even last a day without their phones now.
Having a mobile phone, i think impacts the adolescence the most because now they're every move is being shadowed. Now, a parent can track everything a child does(the stricter the parents, the sneakier the kids). Its also easier for children to talk to people around the world and might be talking to the wrong people. but enough with the negative, it has a lot of goods coming from it, like now you can reach your child at any time. if your child needs help or a lending hand, its convenient to call or text you at any time.
little known facts
little known facts
- Your mobile phone has more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo 11 moon landing.
- In 1983, the first mobile phones went on sale in the U.S. at almost $4,000 each.
- Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.
- In Japan, 90% of mobile phones are waterproof because youngsters use them even in the shower.
- Mobile Phone Radiation can cause Insomnia, headaches and confusion.
Having a phone can solve worrying for someone, for when you're looking for them you can just call them. it can also solve crimes such as, if a cop is beating down an innocent person, you can record it and report it. Another example being, since now we carry the phones anywhere, you can access easily to call 911 in case of anything.
If it weren't for this innovation, id probably be walking home because everyday i get out of practice a different time and i can just call them once i get out. There are so many handy things a phone has done for my and im thankful for this innovation.

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