Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nightmare Machine

Nightmare Machine
(a) The project, appropriately enough, is named "Nightmare Machine." Digital innovators in the U.S. and Australia partnered to create an algorithm that would enable a computer to understand what makes certain images frightening, and then use that data to transform any photo, no matter how harmless-looking, into the stuff of nightmares.
(b) This innovation affects everyone because computers may be used for malicious reasons. But besides that Halloween can be taken to a new level. Holograms can create the best mazes and I can finally be scared endlessly.
(c) This innovation can help therapy doctors with patients that have phobias. usually by the end of treatments, a therapist  makes their patient confront there fear/phobia and this innovation could be perfect. It can be right in front of them realistically and can be turned off at any time.
(d) I think this innovation is so cool because i am a horror fanatic. I live off fear and i think this would be the first time id be physically scared. id pay a lot to be comfront face to face with my fear to get over it.